If you are experiencing a crisis, text, call, or chat 988, Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
Mostly purple decorative illustration of a barn and firefly lights jumping across the whole image

Privacy Policy


The Help Hub (www.helphubforfamilies.ny.gov) website is published by the Council on Children and Families (“CCF”). CCF makes every effort to post accurate and reliable information, however, it does not guarantee or warrant that the information on this website is complete, accurate, or current. Notification of incomplete, inaccurate, or out of date information is appreciated and can be completed by replying to council@ccf.ny.gov.

The Help Hub website repeatedly links to websites maintained by other entities. Reasonable precautions are taken to link only to websites which are appropriate, accurate, and maintained by reputable organizations. However, the State of New York does not imply approval of listed destinations, warrant the accuracy of any information set out in those destinations, or endorse opinions expressed. Other websites operate under the auspices and at the direction of their respective owners. Once you link to another website, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that website, including, but not limited to, its disclaimers and reproduction policies. Therefore, if you have a question or comment about any of these sites, please contact that particular site owner directly.

Unless otherwise noted on an individual document, file, web page or other item, CCF grants users permission to reproduce and distribute all information available on this website for non-commercial purposes and use with contents remaining unaltered. The Help Hub website shall be noted as the source with the publication date of the material cited. The date the website was accessed shall also be cited. All copyright and other proprietary notices must be retained in the same form and manner as on the original and the contents may not be modified in any way. If any individual or organization wishes to alter content in any way, permission by CCF is required and shall be determined by CCF on a case-by-case basis. The user agrees to abide by all additional restrictions provided on this site as it may be updated from time to time.

For questions or requests to reproduce materials, please contact CCF at council@ccf.ny.gov.


We recognize that visitors to the Help Hub website are concerned about their privacy. CCF is committed to maintaining your privacy when you visit our website in accordance with the provisions of the New York State Internet Security and Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information Law, and the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

The policy below describes CCF’s privacy practices regarding information collected from users of this website. This policy describes what information is collected through this website and how that information is used.

For purposes of this policy, “personal information” means any information concerning a natural person which, because of name, number, symbol, mark, or other identifier, can be used to identify that natural person. CCF does not collect any personal information about you unless you provide that information voluntarily by sending an e-mail, responding to a survey, or completing an on-line transaction.

Links Disclaimer

The Help Hub website provides links to resources of local, state, and federal government agencies and other organizations. When you click on these external links, you will, in effect, leave the Help Hub website. A link does not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of that website.

As described above, other websites operate under the auspices and at the direction of their respective owners. Once you link to another website, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that website, including, but not limited to, its privacy policy. Therefore, if you have a question or comment about any of these sites, please contact that particular site owner directly.

Translation Disclaimer

The Help Hub website is intended as an information enrichment, resource, and service. As such, it is the desire of the hosts to provide translation capabilities for as much content as possible. To achieve this objective, tools outside the site are employed. CCF recognizes that translation services may be unavailable or incorrect in spots, and therefore is not able to confirm accuracy. While looking to incorporate future improvements as may be feasible, site visitors may wish to pursue additional translation aids as may be warranted or desired.


  • Please see additional information about website accessibility and reasonable accommodations.
  • Documents under 1 MB on this site can be translated using the translate button provided. For larger documents (up to 10 MB), save the document to your computer or device and visit https://translate.google.com/
  • Translation buttons are not visible on mobile devices. Translation must be set in the settings of the mobile device.

Information Collected Automatically When You Visit the Help Hub

When visiting the Help Hub Multiple Systems Navigator website, the following information may be collected:

  • The Internet Protocol Address and domain name used, but not the e-mail address. The Internet Protocol Address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer;
  • The type of browser and operating system you used;
  • The date and time you visited this site;
  • The web pages or services you accessed at this site;
  • The web site you visited prior to coming to this web site;
  • The web site you visit as you leave this web site; and
  • If you downloaded a form, the form that was downloaded.

None of the foregoing information is deemed to constitute personal information.

The information that is collected automatically is used to improve this website’s content and to help CCF understand how users are interacting with the Help Hub website This information is collected for statistical analysis, to determine what information is of most and least interest to users, and to improve the usefulness of the material available on the website. The information is not collected for commercial marketing purposes and CCF is not authorized to sell or otherwise disclose the information collected from the website for commercial marketing purposes.


Cookies are simple text files stored on your web browser to provide a means of distinguishing among users of this website. The use of cookies is a standard practice among internet websites. To better serve you, we may use “temporary” cookies to enhance, customize, or enable your visit to this web site. Temporary cookies do not contain personal information or compromise your privacy or security and are erased during the operation of your browser or when your browser is closed.

The software you use to access the website allows you to refuse new cookies or delete existing cookies. Refusing or deleting these cookies may limit your ability to take advantage of some of the features of Help Hub.

Information Collected When You E-mail CCF

During your visit to the Help Hub website, you may send an e-mail to CCF. Your e-mail address and the contents of your message will be collected. Your e-mail address and the information included in your message will be used to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to improve this website, or to forward your message to another State agency for appropriate action. Your e-mail address is not collected for commercial purposes.

Special Note Regarding Children

Consistent with the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), CCF does not knowingly collect personal information from children (persons under the age of 13) or create profiles of children through this website. Users are cautioned, however, that the collection of personal information submitted in an e-mail will be treated as though it was submitted by an adult, and may, unless exempted from access by federal or state law, be subject to public access. CCF strongly encourages parents and teachers to be involved in children’s Internet activities and to provide guidance whenever children are asked to provide personal information on-line.

Information and Choice

As noted above, CCF does not collect any personal information about you through this website unless you provide that information voluntarily by sending an e-mail, responding to a survey, or completing an on-line form. You may choose not to send us an e-mail, respond to a survey, or complete an on-line form, and always have the option to respond through use of regular mail.

General Use Disclaimer

The information on this site is for informational purposes only. This site is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a licensed practitioner or professional to answer any questions you may have, and do not disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

The information provided in this policy should not be construed as giving business, legal, or other advice, or warranting the security of information provided through this website.

If you are in crisis, experiencing emotional distress, or worried about someone you know, call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

Contact Information

Please contact CCF, by e-mail at council@ccf.ny.gov or by telephone at 518-473-3652.