Age Group: Teenager (Ages 13-18)
NYS Education Department – Office of Special Education
Services and programs for students with disabilities.
NYS Child Care, After School & Parent Support Programs Locator
This New York State Council on Children and Families (CCF) website provides tools to find nearby after-school programs, parent and caregiver support programs, and links to child care referral agencies in each county.
Local School Districts
Your local school district can give you information about programs and services available to your child, and connect you with experts if your child might need accommodations or special education services.
Parent to Parent of NYS
Parent to Parent connects parents and caregivers of people with disabilities with a trained network of individuals who have gone through similar experiences. They can help you find your way through services and systems to make more informed decisions.
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) Agencies
Child Care Resource and Referral agencies help families find child care, and help child care providers find technical assistance and training.
211 or 311
Anyone can call 211 for specialists who help people find local services and assistance. It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7. People in the New York City area can call 311 for more resources.
The HEARS family line can help parents and families looking for services relating to food, clothing, housing, health care, child care, or parent education. Call 1-888-554-3277 for resources and referrals.
ACCES-VR (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation)
The ACCES-VR program supports independent living for people with disabilities through training, education, rehabilitation, and career development. Visit the website or call 1-800-222-5627.
Health Home Serving Children (HHSC)
Eligible New Yorkers under 21 with chronic health issues can work with New York State’s Health Home program to make sure they get the care and services they need. The Department of Health (DOH) website can help you find a program where you live.
Independent Living Centers (ILCs)
Independent Living Centers are community-based organizations that help people with disabilities live and work independently. They can also provide services like advocacy, counseling, support groups, and housing assistance.