If you are experiencing a crisis, text, call, or chat 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
Mostly purple decorative illustration with a small bar in the foreground and firefly lights jumping across the whole image

Brand Guidelines

Home » Media Kit » Brand Guidelines

Brand Guidelines

Anyone using the Help Hub for Families name, logo, or other asset must adhere to its specific branding
guidelines. Please familiarize yourself with their usage instructions and follow their guidance.

Clear Space Requirements:

When using the Help Hub for Families logo, always surround it with the minimum amount of clear
space, which is equal to the height of the “H” in the website’s name. The clear space will vary
depending on how the logo is scaled in size.

Logo Usage Requirements:

Change its color
Change its proportions
Add a drop shadow or
any other effect
Add an outline
Rotate its orientation
Place it on a complicated
Crop its edges
Place the black version on
a dark background
Place the white version on
a light background
Add a holding shape
underneath it.